Stone, Stream and Cloud: A Brief History of Paper Marbling
24. May 2024
A brief history of paper marbling in its Japanese and Turko-Persianate forms.

Harebrained Plunges into Crafting New Products
05. April 2024
The story behind our range of Artisan Journals.

Meet the Artist: Kain White Shares his Thoughts on the Celestial Emporium
14. November 2023
Artist Kain White is currently working to produce illustrations for 'Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge'. Here he talks about how he came to be an artist and shares his ideas on the project.

Why the "Celestial Emporium"?
22. October 2023
The ideas from Borges and Foucalt that inspired a collaboration.

Announcing "Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge": A Fine Press Edition of Works by Borges and Foucault
22. October 2023
The Harebrained Press announces a collaboration with Ampersand Book Studio in Tucson, Arizona.

The Harebrained Retrospective, Part Seven: Memories of the MMOP Auction
06. June 2023
My experience of the historic Melbourne Museum of Printing Auction

The Harebrained Retrospective, Part Six: Memories of The Melbourne Museum of Printing
06. June 2023
My experience of The Melbourne Museum of Printing in the lead up to its liquidation auction.

The Harebrained Bookbinding Challenge: 23 Books in 30 Days
04. February 2023
This month’s blog is a compilation of my Facebook posts following each stage of my attempt to bind 23 Books in 30 Days.

Kali the Studio Cat
16. October 2022
I’m taking a break from the anguished tales of my printing retrospective to tell you the story behind a little studio shadow-companion of mine.

The Harebrained Retrospective, Part Five: Burning at the Wheel
25. August 2022
Part five of The Harebrained Press' retrospective is about the most personally difficult time I went through on the project, when, over two-thirds of the way through my print run, the whole operation ground to a halt.

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